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snrv irrf3rJS OFTEN NEVER DUPUCATECMgSgow- -rj ffldjils jAURAfffliXfms ISA THurUey Mamins MrU ItTT WtcMto Pelt Tu Norfex To Hear Funding Proposals riOFTEN IMITATED NEVER DUPlICATEDl gIiS 9 TFOtL Sm 9 9 9 LOSED SUNDAYS DiSeOUiUT CENTER THESE SPECIALS GOOD THURS FRI SAT LAYAWAY MATTEL No 1067 Barbie Is Ready For Lots Of Fun In The Sun Surf Ana Sand In Beachwear Fashioned For Sun Worshipers Permanent Suntan For That Year-Round Golden Glow! SPORTING GOODS ZEBCO BN REEL REPAIR 4-QT PRESSURE COOKER Gibson's Special bH jam: Mr Parks Representing Zebco Will Be In Our Stores On April 21-22-23 To Clean Repair And Install New Line On Ycur Closed Face Zebco Reels While You Wait Price Includes Parts And labor Proposed funding of 10 different projects will be prrsrntcd to Norte Regional Planning Commission executive committee at noon Thursday at Holiday Inn ltownlnwn The projects range from arnior citizens' facilities at Imra Park to on education program for perrons charged with driving while Intoxicated The Friendly Poor Senior Citizens Center Inc nf Iowa Park is asking $8636 for first year fund ing under Title III of ttie Older Americans Act A subcontract is projused to he negotiated bet ween the center and Norte for the project Wichita County is applying to Texas Commission on Al nihilism for $13 150 to develop and bprrate a PWI education program in cooperation with Midwestern Stale University Reeky Davis Nortex coordinator of drug abuse and al coliohsin services said Wednesday that County Attorney Hob Estrada will be project director Application is sign'd by County Judge Ilink Anderson Other projects include nppli cation from Wichita Falls Community Mental Health and Mental Retardation Center to Texas Department of Community Affairs requesting $67810 for a drug treatnu'iit program in Wichita County A resolution also is expected hi be presented supporting the Lake H'hita Pain and I loiliday Crork flood control project Other applications include one to Trxas Criminal Justice Division for $129361 to aid in purchase of high speed teletype machines for 1 area Ijw enforcement agencies Authorization then will be asked enabling Nortex to sign a contract with International Communimtions Corp to buy and install the machines at a contract price of $151 BOS coq tingent grant approval Meantime another application CJ Pis proposed asking irI total ing $16968 to continue the teletype network until the new machines arrive in the (all Still another proposed CJD applicilion for $14970 to continue Nortex's peace officer training program will he presented W'UhargerCounty is pre-' senting a fourth application for $0823 to buy office equipment (nr tliedistrict ittorney's office namely IRM recorders-t ranarnhr rs ami a mobile radio A fifth application from lack County asks CJP help totaling $15nro to i'ontmui' its juvenile probation program Nexus Inc arks $1575 from ttie Texas iVpartmenl of Community Affairs lo operate a long term rare facility for chn)nk ilcolstlus City of (Juanuh is iiplying to Furmers llmne Admuiistration for a $57D 000 lain to constna't 4R brick veneer garden type apartment units POOL No 256 Gibson's Special FIVE QUART-REMOVABLE CROCK ELECTRIC SLOW COOKER THURSDAY APRIL 21ST BURKBURKETT STORE 1 1 AM lo 5 PM FRIDAY APRIL 22ND KELL BLVD STORE 10 AM TO PM SATURDAY APRIL 23rd DOWNTOWN STORE 1 0 AM TO 5 PM Zebco' 34IS0 OQMBO favorite medium- action combination Prepares Palate Pleasing Meals In T0-12 Naurs For Only A Few Cents No Watching No Stirring No Worrying Gentle Thorough Penetrating Heat Surrounds The Thick Heavily Glased Stoneware Crock For Even Gentle Cooking Gibson's Special 219 5913 Fkttibte ubnfctiGoy dvshcli ho Vacuums out Mod A AKadt UmpiwirM pump lo your I W'OfM CARS tmd TVUCKS COMPUTE KIT CONTAINS: Powerful Vane Pump Drug Investigation Results In Raid The "Hottest" Cool Spot Around Will Be I Your Yard With This Sturdy Steelwall Pool 8'x20" Cool Blue Wall And Matching Liner Quality Built By Ideal Toy Gibson's Special Do it the Quick Clean Way with the Revolutionary Net I MATEX I ai-o-changer DRILL POWERED pump Complete kit to changs oil through the dipstick hole at car track and boat onginov i'rOner C2rn Maurice Ceramics HANGING PUNTERS i- itt ct 253 Zebco 33 Reel flu-t SltVl Powerful rt'iini! it dra SdLvhvc iini u- Lillet vulli Pul'nnl Mu-n lilt! hrwAiMvr ii Gibson's Special Sturdy Eory-To-Handls Stamped Ahiminwm Eadiniva Prassui Key ulatar And Automatic Air Vent Cook 3 To 10 Timer Footer Tenderiiet Meat Retain Natural Flavor Vitamin And Minerals 218 iAumoiouT No 3036 I BUDDY GRILLMASTER SMOKER BARREL Built-In Versatility! Use Open I Fer Grilling Closed For Smoking a Adjustable Draft Controls a Chroma Fla fed UHx20N Cooking Grid Full length Aluminum Ltd Handle Gibson's Special 1177 Beautifully Finished Glazed Ceramic Great For Indoors Or Outdoors nrfx'ST ft: OR and V' mm FITS mxA FOOtKlN REVOLUTIONaRY DESIGN NaRuMwr knpasai I bum ouL C-B MOBILE Combination Roof Mount Or Trunk Overall Height All MOunting Hardware Induded Gibson's Special Two 5 Bag 4 Gibson's Special Inlet Tubes Discharge Hose Hook Oil Disposal Bags Matal Bag Tim Zebco One' A one-of-a-kind performance package wet ones MOIST TOWELETTES When You Are Away From Soap And Water In The Car Or Home Bar-B-Q Or Beach Great For Infant Diaper Change Times 70 TaweleKes Gibson's Each Centennial 0100 Rod (' medium iii two (i'i'i i intiuliir ijlivi 'loomed (JiJ li'E and tip toil ii hm llk hull lll-U ii: III III'IM) 1597 1888 0 -4 5 X) A Long-Time Favorite Full Acting Linkage Watershed Construction large Roomy Storage Below Tray 23'4" I 1 7y" 22VV Gibson's Special Smooth stdintcs Mcil bearings Special alloy drive 101) stainless worm near' Stainless Med wi rs Umquo brake and ciT feathering system Sensitive star drag Silent sclcclive anti revero KHlod With DuPnnl fiVcri kno-tho knowalr her Gibson's Special No's 372-E304 4 Oz School Glue Or 4 Oz Glue All Your Choice CERTIFIED AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUID Type A Suffix A For Automatic Transmissions And Power Steering Units Quart Gibson's Special MCALLEN Tex (AD FeiliTil agents swarmed ovrr sparsely populated Slnrr Cisin tv in the Rio Cirande Valley W'tsluesday in Ihc biggest erackilown ever on marijuana and heroin smuggling from Mexico into the Unilisl Stairs Drug Enfnrrernent Adnunis-trainn officials said the arrests wiTe the results of a four-month invesligalum by PEA the Attixncy's Office the Texas Deparlment of of I'lihlic Safety IJ agemies received also the cooHTaluxi of the Mexican fcdreal police The investigation is the result of a combined effort named Wishbone' officers said The arrests began early In the morning after officers unsealed IN indictments returned Tuesday afternoon by a federal grand jury in Brownsville Assistant US Atty John Smith of McAlIrn said nf Uie first 3S arrested were class one or major Ronds set in the indictments for all 62 totaled $22 million Smith said that while the arrests were being made in the Valley Mexiran police wire arresting seven other suspirts and confiscating three tons of marijuana in the Camargo urea just across the river from Starr Cixinty Some of those arrested were reported to he US eilizens Most nf those arrested were picked up In Starr County but some arrests were made in McAllen In the Mid Valley San Antnwo Galveston and in California and Tennessee Those arrested were detainnl in the Rio Grande rity facilities of the HotiIit Patrol but were to la transferred later lo foder al detention centers in Brownsville Edward A Heath deputy regional director of PEA said Ihc arrests broke up a of major drug trafficking organizations dealing in multi-ton quantities of marijuana and Farmers Need Fuel Priority AUSTIN Tex (AP) Texas Agriculture Commissioner Reagan Brown warned Wednesday that farmers and ranchers must get priority for fuel under the new federal energy plans or consumers will face higher prices In the supermarkets must obtain priorities on fuel in the new federal energy plans or the energy crunch will hit harder in the supermarket than at the gas said Brown Americans have a stake in ability to Brown added are as close to agriculture as the next large nmounW heroin and other drugs llcnlh said thit during the fmir niotilh tju-ril umi Wishbone' agent confiscated 35 I ixis of mirijuin1 three kilos of heroin mid one kilo of cocaine and mide'X 0 rests Smith saiil eai of (he nrgan-iraliixis tn ol i-il the arreslx iipahle of supilying mull Itsi quiniiiies of marijuana plus large ainiNints of heroin on slim 1 niin PEA nflieiila in the past haver cstiinilcd 1)1 approximately 20 tons of marijuana and len kilos of heroin crossed into Slnrr County In weekly Most of tin1 MHilitnMi of the county is Mexican American DEA officials have said in the past that large families with memlH-rs on Imth sides of the IsirdiT are iiixolw-d in the smuggling oH-r ilmns greil niniilier of these individuals have a Heath said their mgaiuiimiis are mter-liK'kmg Some of the tiiffiekrrs living on the side uf Ihc border have vjsi landholdings in Mexico which are li st'd as storage (NHiit for large qaanliUesof narcuhi hriaihl up from the interior or Mexico prior to being smugglixl min Hie United States Starr ONinly has about 68 miles uf isolaiixl river land There are farms on both sides uf the river and the marijuana is smuggled across the 20 yards of the Rio Grande in small boats or by swimmer "Today's arresU of many major violators are the direel result uf the hih degree uf ex pertise hrisight to bear hy Ihc McAllen distro'l iffne Ihe PEA" Smith sml No ctly or nsinly agencies were mvolvixl in the mvcstigii linn Heath said Grand Jury Indicts Nowlin API '('All Tex iSpccial) Cottle Grand Jury has indicted Vaughan Nowlin of Childress a former cotton broker 1 12 charges of theft by worthies? check Nowlin is ceased of issuing $3750X1 in irthless checks to 31 Padw ah area farmers District Atty WH lleatly files the complaint last week against Nowlin who was ar rested on a arrant by Childress County Sheriffs Office Bond waa set at 510000 on one warrant and $7500 on eachof the 11 other charges Nowlin posted bond before Justice of the Peace James Smith on the $10000 warrant and then appeared before Paducah Justice of the Peace Dottie Bettis on the other warrants No trial date has bccy set MU Mute tRSf eUeMI kt id rs te id In td te In e- 1 JENSEN No C9740 COAXIAL STEREO KIT 2-4x9 Woofers With 3" Direct Radiating Tweeter a S3 Oz Magnets Gibson's 59 QTf Special AHTENNA Mount 888 97 No's 2A-3A INTRODUCING MODEL (ALPHABET) Va Oi Or Vi Oz Medium Runner Lures "A Little Slimmer A little Trimmer A Little Faster Wiggle" Than The Ordinary Crank-Lure Integral Molded Bill-To-Body Construction To Insure Freshness Of Operation Assorted Colors Gibson's Special Parks No 83339 POWER TOOL BOX Gibson-Homans No 2020 DRAFTITE CAULKING 00MP0UND Now's The Time To Seal Around Doors ft Windows For Less Energy Waste Cartridge Fits All Standard Caulking Guns Gibson's Special SPOT SHOT CARPET STAIN REMOVER Professional Formula Double Barrelled Clout With Exdusive Slain Remover Formula Used In Holiday Inns Gets Most Common Stains Out Of Car-pats Quick And Easy 4 Oz Aerosol Lehigh No 925 WIRE REINFORCED PLASTIG CLOTHESLINE Strong Clean And Durable 50 Ft 158 Gibson's Special Gibson's Special 3 IMITATED EVERPUPUCATEDI NEVER DUPUCAtEDgjisa1rMfcS owowax mxAAAAAXAAAANX.
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